Saturday, October 3, 2009

Humans - Ever so Barbarous !!!

"How can he practice true compassion
who eats the flesh of an animal to fatten his own flesh? 
                                                                  -- Thirukural

It so happened a few days back when one of my Mentors, a very inspiring person for anyone who wants to accomplish their brightest dreams - Dr. Manas Fuloria, raised a question in his blog about cruelty & pain afflicted over animals.
He requested his readers to approach some neighbouring restaurants so they switch to 'Cage-Free' eggs, where the eggs are laid by birds free to roam around unlike those in factory farms where they barely get space equivalent to the size of an A4 paper.
In this connection he wrote to the CEO of Keggs to offer 'Cage-Free' eggs in the market.
Voila!!! In came the new packaging for Keggs which now incorporated a 'Cage-Free' caption over its face.

Now that right there, to me was very inspiring.

This is however a restructuring of my comment to his post, but what matters more is that response which followed his Letter to Keggs, ever so strongly re-inforcing the fact that steps, nomatter how small they appear, are neccessary for large strides.

More often, people just dont initiate, thinking its a cause too small.....A CAUSE TOO SMALL !?!

The other day I was attending a party at a reputed hotel, there were atleast 500 people and the non-veg never ran out of supply. The hotel hosts such parties atleast twice a day, even on weekdays, and as if this wasn’t enough, they have their speciality restaurant which  caters to the demads of non-vegetarians at large.

To put it in an even larger context, just for food consumption, over 1 million land animals are slaughtered, in addition to a million more of marine animals/day in The U.S of A.

These facts, day-after-other are compelling me to give-up non-vegetarianism.

Factory Farming 



As for factory-farming…that’s cruelty to its core. People have no rights to curse Hitler for Auschwitz; factory farms are no less than Holocaust -- At KFC, an undercover investigation found out that chickens are drugged and bred to grow so large that many become crippled, and many have their throats cut while they are still conscious. At their slaughterhouse in West Virginia, its documented that workers were ripping off live birds’ heads, spitting tobacco into their eyes, spray-painting their faces, and violently stomping on them.

How bad does it have to get ??

That was one difference-making article, which I’m sure did motivate enough readers to go out and urge some of the restaurants to do their lil’ bit in for the bigger cause.

The Change begins with the one in the mirror, so let’s no more turn a blind eye to what’s happening around us.
God Bless All

1 comment:

  1. Thought provoking and interesting write-up Akash.
    If every animal-eating person think about the infliction of pain the animals go through, we will have a better world.
